‘Trojan Women ATL’ is a finalist for the Weissnberger award

TROJAN WOMEN ATL is a finalist for the 2023 L. Arnold Weissberger New Play Award, celebrating unpublished, exceptional new plays.

TROJAN WOMEN ATL* is a play with 2 songs based on "Trojan Women" by Euripides. Four women are held in a room in a house not too far from where you are right now. They are captured, caught, forced to work at night, to work for Him. They are trafficked sex workers with no way out. One of them is not like the others, however, Cassandra is there to avenge her sister. Until then she bides her time, painting her nails, seeing a future no one else can see, waiting, waiting, waiting for the right moment to strike. Original new music by The Kilbanes.

Read the play on New Play Exchange: https://newplayexchange.org/plays/2210202/trojan-women-atl


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